The right to keep and bear arms is the supreme right in America.
Without this unalienable, natural and absolute
right, there would be no Declaration of
Independence, no Constitution, no Bill of Rights - there would
be no America as we know it.
The right to keep and bear arms
is the foundation of American liberty and absolutely necessary
to the concept of a sovereign people.
The SUPREME RIGHT PROJECT is a proactive
and pre-emptive effort to flood the U.S. Supreme Court with a
simple, straightforward and pre-written letter that clearly
states the meaning of the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
The court is currently hearing McDonald v Chicago which involves
the meaning of the Second Amendment. The court's website says
that the justices receive and read mail from citizens addressed
to the court.
SO --
let's give them an education on what our
Founding Fathers meant when they wrote the Second Amendment.
Let's declare the truth that only an armed people can be truly
free - and truly free people are always able to be armed.
1 million Americans mailing a simple, clear,
concise declaration of the meaning and intent of the Second
Amendment directly to the justices will go a long way in
derailing the progressive legal thought and so-called
"judicial activism" that has infected the court and is
our freedoms.
A 5 minute video on the subject can be
viewed at
For a printed copy of the two-page letter to mail to the court,
and we will send you a PDF file.