Declaring the
Intent of
America's FOUNDING
The Purpose of the DECLARATION
July 4, 1776 -
Fifty six men of wealth, character and influence explained to
the world in only 1,337 words the American ideals which demanded
independence. The war for independence had begun in the
hearts and minds of the average man, and erupted into rebellious
anti-government gun fire at Lexington and Concord. It
became a war at the battle of Bunker Hill several months later.
The previous fifteen years were full of ever-increasing
resentment toward the government. The Sugar Act, the
Currency Act, the Quartering Act and the Stamp Act in 1764-65
caused open resistance. The Sons of Liberty harassed
government agents so incessantly that the Stamp Act was quickly
In 1770 anti-government rioting broke out in New York, and in
Boston five colonists were shot to death in a minor
confrontation with government.
In 1773 the Tea Act placed a small tax on tea. The
colonists were incensed that government claimed the power to tax
tea. The Boston Tea Party was a direct challenge to the
King's authority to tax any item he pleased.
King George retaliated against the rebellious colonies in 1774
with the "Intolerable Acts." The government began to
fortify Boston and seized ammunition from the militia.
In response, the colonists convened the First Continental
Congress, and local militia throughout the colonies formed "the
minutemen," those men willing and able to be ready at a minute's
Shortly before midnight on April 18, 1775, Paul Revere and
William Dawes rode from Boston through the countryside to warn
the minutemen that government troops were on the way to seize
guns and ammunition in Concord. The colonies would not
allow their God-given right to keep and bear arms be trampled,
and at daybreak the "shot heard 'round the world" rang out.
The 56 men that signed the Declaration were merely explaining to
the world why common people had grabbed their musket from the
hallowed position over the fireplace, and began to use it to
defy government. The document proclaimed -
"We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to
secure these rights, governments are instituted among men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;
that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of
these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish
it, and to institute a new government..."
The Declaration of Independence is the official policy of the
individuals that formed the federal government.

This Bold
very techniques that all governments use to convert
privileges and
eventually use GUN CONTROL to establish
control of every one of its
Explore this Book
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Declaration of Independence July
4 1776
This 17" x 22"
historic print on parchment explains the
story of the Declaration, events surrounding
its approval, and the price that the men
paid for this openly rebellious act of
treason against the British government. This
is the first and only time that the likeness
of all 56 signers has been presented.
is the story of
America's most important founding document
and the 56 men that made it happen! Included
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